Has the MCI set a cap on consultation fees?


Dr KK Aggarwal and Ira Gupta    24 November 2017

There is no such restriction by the Medical Council of India as long as the fee is reasonable and is disclosed to the patients beforehand. This is true for non emergent conditions. Fee cannot be a consideration in an emergency situation. In a case decided by Delhi Medical Council dated February 15 2001 DMC 14 2 2001 the Council observed the following Dr X charged an amount of Rs.5 000.00 from Mr. P day after initially asking for Rs.200.00 only for his professional services. This is a violation of MCI Code of Medical Ethics which states remuneration received for such services should be in the form and amount specifically announced to the patient at the time the service is rendered. MCI Regulation 3.7.1 states A physician shall clearly display his fees and other charges on the board of his chamber and or the hospitals he is visiting. Prescription should also make clear if the Physician himself dispensed any medicine.

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